Live A Better Day Challenge: Day 1

I have been an off again on again guy when it comes to running.  I haven’t really gotten into training for races.  I can do ok sticking to a schedule but then life gets in the way.  I had a fitbit force and a jawbone up and really liked being able to track my steps with those devices but they had limitations to what they could really do.  Since I heard the about the watch, I have had high hopes that it would be the last push to get me to finally commit to a fitness lifestyle.  Apple’s campaign with the health and fitness functionality with the watch has been:  “Live A Better Day.”  My plan, starting today, is to do exactly that.  I am challenging myself to commit to use the watch for 90 days and “live a better day.”  I will make sure and fill in all 3 circles each day before I go to bed.  I will allow the watch to push me and as it ups the fitness goal, I will meet it.  I am only committing for 90 days of this but I know if can stick.  Simple habits take 21 days to form.  I think 90 days will really get me in the groove and will be a longer stretch than ever before.  I have cleaned up my diet a few months back and have been sticking to it pretty well.  I am ready to take the next step into living a healthy and active lifestyle.  I will document the whole process and see if Apple lives up to its claim of helping me “live a better day.”  Time to put on my gym shoes…